Writing history with K. N. Chimbiri | Scholastic Live
Writing history with K. N. Chimbiri
Join K. N. Chimbiri at 2pm on Friday 5th March for a writing workshop about writing history and to hear about her latest book, The Story of the Windrush.
Suitable for ages 9 to 12
Register with the password clubsandfairs.
Books by K. N. Chimbiri
The Story of the Windrush
The story before the scandal. A book to celebrate the inspiring legacy of the Windrush pioneers. In June 1948, hundreds of Caribbean men, women and children arrived in London on a ship called the HMT Empire Windrush. Although there were already Black people living in Britain at the time, this event marks the beginning of modern Black Britain.
Combining historical fact with voices from the Windrush Generation, this book sensitively tells the inspiring story of the Windrush Generation pioneers for younger readers.
Kandace Chimbiri is the author of Black history books for children: Secrets of the Afro Comb, 6,000 Years of Art and Culture, The Story of Early Ancient Egypt, Step Back in Time to Ancient Kush and The Story of the Windrush, a tribute to the Windrush Generation pioneers. Kandace was born in London, England in 1968 to parents from Barbados.
Motivated by a desire to help improve both children’s literacy as well as their knowledge of history, Kandace founded her small publishing house Golden Destiny Ltd in 2009. Golden Destiny specialises in non-fiction titles for children, in particular Black history before mass enslavement.