Scholastic Schools Live | Liz Pichon

Random acts of fun with Liz Pichon

Thursday 14th October, 11am

Scholastic Schools Live: Random acts of fun with Liz Pichon
Join Liz Pichon on publication day to hear all about her VERY newest book, Random Acts of Fun! Tom’s having a RUBBISH time – he’s broken his leg and has to stay home until it’s heeled. It DOES mean no school, but is he missing out on what his friends are doing? Get ready for your own acts of fun – make sure you bring paper and pencils so you can join in!
Liz is the author-illustrator of the bestselling Tom Gates series, which have been translated into forty one languages worldwide. They have won several prestigious awards, including the Roald Dahl Funny Prize, the Waterstones Children’s Book Prize, and the Blue Peter Book Award, and, of course, the Lollies! Tom Gates and his friends can now be found on Sky Kids in The Brilliant World of Tom Gates. In 2020, Liz released her brilliant new novel Shoe Wars.
Suitable for ages 9+.
Register with the password RANDOMACTS .

Books by Liz Pichon

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