Reading Audit Research Hub Guided Reading
Find reports and links to best-practice in relation to guided reading below:
The Guided Reading Approach: Theory & Research
Learning Media Limited (2002). The Guided Reading Approach: Theory and Research. [online] Available at: [Accessed 22 Aug. 2017].
Research base for Guided Reading
This paper by Gay Su Pinnell and Irene C. Fountas provides background information on guided reading and discusses its components in relation to research. The paper covers guided reading within a comprehensive literacy program and provides the research base for eight components of guided reading.Pinnell, Gay and Fountas, Irene. Research Base for Guided Reading as an Instruction Approach. [online] Available at: [Accessed 22 Aug. 2017].
Reading Horizons: Looking Back to Move Forward with Guided Reading
Guided reading is used in classrooms across the country and, while it is fairly new, it is anything but revolutionary. In this article, and in honor of the 50th volume of Reading Horizons, the authors take a look back at the 50-year history of this practice, provide a definition of guided reading, analyze what caused the practice to change, and discuss their own perspectives and predict the future of guided (2011). Reading Horizons: Looking Back to Move Forward with Guided Reading. [online] Available at: [Accessed 22 Aug. 2017].
Reading for Purpose & Pleasure
A survey undertaken to identify reasons for the wide range in attainment in reading among primary-aged pupils; to disseminate schools’ effective practice in reducing underachievement and developing pupils’ positive attitudes to reading; and to describe key features of the successful teaching of reading.Ofsted (2004). Reading for Pleasure and Purpose. [online] Available at: [Accessed 22 Aug. 2017].
Guided Reading Strategies for Reading Comprehension
This research was carried out to discover which guided reading strategies should be implemented to help develop comprehension skills. Educational professionals and theorists have determined that focused intensive instruction of reading strategies will improve reading The methods used in this study included prereading strategies, during reading strategies, and post-reading strategies specifically modified to improve comprehension. Over the course of eleven weeks multiple lessons and activities were tailored and implemented to fit the needs of a struggling reader, pre-reading strategies were found to have the greatest impact on comprehension.Richardson, N. (2010). Guided Reading Strategies for Reading Comprehension. [online] Available at: [Accessed 22 Aug. 2017].
Improving Reading Comprehension and Fluency through the use of Guided Reading
This action research report describes a program to increase students’ reading comprehension and fluency through the use of guided reading. The targeted population consists of second and fourth grade students in a northwest suburban area of a large city located in the Midwest of America. The problems of low reading comprehension and fluency scores were documented through the use of district provided comprehension and fluency assessments and teacher surveys. The literature showed multiple factors that contribute to the problem of low reading fluency and comprehension scores. These factors included individual students, school curriculum and classroom environment, teacher training, and family involvement.Gabl, K., Kaiser, K., Long, J. and Roemer, J. (2007). Improving Reading Comprehension and Fluency through the use of Guided Reading. [online] Available at: [Accessed 22 Aug. 2017].