Maths mastery - Perfect patterns and splendid sequences

Maths mastery - Perfect patterns and splendid sequences

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Suitable for 5 – 11 years

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Product description

The game on the ‘Perfect patterns and splendid sequences’ worksheet uses numbers and exploring patterns in number to help develop proficiency in using and linking. It also helps with the development of reasoning, and thinking and about how concepts may potentially be linked. This all leads to quick and efficient mental skills and develops the ability to recall patterns.

Provide children with a 100 square. This can be adapted to a number square using fewer numbers or even a 200 number square with more numbers.

The children play the game by turning over a card and finding a number that falls into a particular category. They circle the number in the grid using their chosen colour. The aim is to get 5 in a row and look at how the patterns and sequences may be related. It is important to encourage the children to talk and reason their thinking.

This can be adapted to look at particular concepts that connect, such as: multiples of particular numbers, square numbers, triangular numbers, sequences in times tables.

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Product Details

Date published

February 2nd, 2017

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File size:
300 KB


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