Book Fair Gift Vouchers Terms and Conditions

  1. Book Fair Gift Vouchers are email vouchers only. You will receive the voucher in your email once the process is complete. They are only valid with an accompanying serial number.
  2. Book Fair Gift Vouchers can be purchased from eight weeks before a Book Fair’s start date, up until midnight on the day before the Book Fair is collected.
  3. Book Fair Gift Vouchers must be redeemed at the Scholastic Book Fair or Travelling Book Fair listed on the email you received confirming your purchase.
  4. All Book Fair Gift Vouchers have a cash redemption value of 0.001p.
  5. Change cannot be given with Book Fair Gift Vouchers. We do supply low cost items such as stationery if the books total isn’t enough. If a child can’t find items to use up their voucher, please contact us for assistance.
  6. Book Fair Gift Vouchers expire at the end of your school’s Book Fair. If for any reason your child cannot attend the Book Fair, book purchases can be made by calling 0800 212 281 up to a week after the Book Fair has left the school.
  7. Book Fair Gift Vouchers are not transferable.
  8. Cash refunds will not be permitted for items purchased with Book Fair Gift Vouchers. Your statutory rights will not be affected.
  9. Book Fair Gift Vouchers cannot be used on Scholastic Book Clubs or Scholastic online shops.

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