The GCSE 9-1 Practice and Revision series
Our GCSE products are all fully matched to the 9-1 exam specifications for AQA. They’re designed with students in mind, to provide an active, personalised approach that makes the most of revision time and helps the tricky stuff stick.
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AQA English Revision Cards
The key information you need to succeed at a glance.
With a handy format, our GCSE 9-1 Revision Cards are perfect last-minute revision for the AQA English Literature closed-book exams. They help students to visualise the chronology of the text and make the tricky stuff really stick.
Find out moreGCSE 9-1 in action
Brentwood County High School, a 1,400-pupil secondary school in Essex, was one of the first schools to try the new Scholastic GCSE 9-1 Practice and Revision series. Dave Richardson, the School’s Deputy Head, purchased the GCSE English Language & Literature and Mathematics revision guides, exam practice books and online revision planners for Year 10 and 11 pupils to use from March 2017.
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Don’t just take our word for it
Revising can feel huge and overwhelming but helping students focus on distributed practice and doing lots of small things really well will help them achieve success. Scholastic has produced a fine set of GCSE revision guides to do exactly this. The three strands of revision attack will work most effectively when put together; take one of these resources and students can get so far, but combine the trio, and the results are likely to be quite remarkable. John Dabell
John Dabell is an experienced educator and writer. He reviewed our GCSE 9-1 in Teach Secondary Magazine.
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GCSE Resits: Why resilience is more important than ever
Neil O’Rourke, Secondary School English Teacher and Literacy Coordinator, details his thoughts on supporting children through GSCE exam resits, and how to help them get a pass.
Revising GCSE English Literature: What Works?
“But how are you supposed to revise a subject like English literature?”
“How many quotes do you need to get full marks?”
Head of English, Rob Pollard takes us through what works when revising for GCSE English.
Education Resources Awards
We’re delighted to share the news that we have been shortlisted for three Education Resources Awards.
Read our GCSE study guide review
Read the review of our GCSE study guides from leading educational magazine, Teach Secondary
Tasha’s 5 Top Tips for Surviving GCSE Season
Tasha, a sixth form student, gives her top tips for getting through her GCSE 9–1 exams.
Kiera’s 5 Top Tips for Surviving GCSE Season
Kiera gives her top tips for getting through her GCSE 9–1 exams.
Ashanti’s Top Tips for Surviving GCSE Season
Ashanti gives her top tips for getting through her GCSE 9–1 exams.
Sophie’s 5 Top Tips for Surviving GCSE Season
Sophie gives her top tips for getting through her GCSE 9–1 exams.