Garry Davies
Books by Garry Davies
Writing Guides: Instruction Texts for Ages 5-7 (Teacher Resource)
Writing Guides: Adventure Stories for Ages 7-9 (Teacher Resource)
100 Mental Maths Activities: Year 3
100 Mental Maths Activities: Year 5
Writing Guides: Fantasy Stories for Ages 5-7
Writing Guides: Reports for Ages 5-7
100 Maths Assessment Lessons: Year 1
100 Maths Assessment Lessons: Year 2
100 Literacy Homework Activities (New Edition): Year 4 (New Edition)
100 Maths Assessment Lessons: Year 3
100 Maths Assessment Lessons: Year 4
100 Maths Assessment Lessons: Year 5
Series by Garry Davies
100 Activprimary Whiteboard Lessons
Essential for all Promethean whiteboards – engaging interactive lessons for all primary subjects. The Flipcharts include prepared text, pictures, Flash activities and website links. Perfect for all levels of experience
Scholastic Literacy Skills
A complete resource to teach children key skills in grammar and punctuation, spelling, comprehension and vocabulary.
Writing Guides
New edition Writing Guides provide Renewed Framework writing activities for every genre.
100 Mental Maths Activities
A brand-new bank of carefully graded 5- to 10-minute starter activities to build children’s confidence with mental maths.
100 Maths Assessment Lessons
All the tools you need to help get ready for Assessing Pupils Progress – and linked to the Renewed Maths Framework!
100 Literacy Homework Activities (New Edition)
A complete homework programme for the Renewed Literacy Framework that will fit in with any literacy scheme.
Creative Activities
Creative Activities provides numerous creative activities for exploring different areas of the curriculum.
Quick Fix for Year 6
Quick Fix for Year Six provides teachers with a quick SATs revision course for their pupils.
100 Maths Framework Lessons
Best-selling resources to support you with the Renewed Maths Framework with interactive activities on CD-ROM for your interactive whiteboard