Scholastic Schools Live | Lollies Event Week

Laugh Out Loud Book Awards Event Week

The Laugh Out Loud Book Awards (the Lollies) celebrates the best and funniest children’s books in the UK and Ireland, voted for by children. The wonderful shortlisted authors and illustrators for this year’s awards are here to share their hilarious stories with your classes!
Lollies Event Week begins on the 20th September and features writing activities, drawalongs and readings from the shortlisted authors and illustrators, as well as previous winners Liz Pichon and Michelle Robinson, and Head Judge Michael Rosen.
You can find out more about the Lollies and cast your vote here.
Register for all events with the password LAUGHOUTLOUD .

Register for events

Monday 20th September

Scholastic Schools Live Lollies Event Week: Liz Pichon
Scholastic Schools Live Lollies Event Week: Jenny Pearson
Scholastic Schools Live Lollies Event Week: Izzi Howell

Tuesday 21st September

Scholastic Schools Live Lollies Event Week: Pamela Butchart
Scholastic Schools Live Lollies Event Week: Humza Arshad and Aleksei Bitskoff
Scholastic Schools Live Lollies Event Week: Peter Bently and Steven Lenton

Wednesday 22nd September

Scholastic Schools Live Lollies Event Week: Joseph Coelho and Freya Hartas
Scholastic Schools Live Lollies Event Week: Adam Kay and Henry Paker
Scholastic Schools Live Lollies Event Week: Evgenia Golubeva

Thursday 23rd September

Scholastic Schools Live Lollies Event Week: Serena Patel and Emma McCann
Scholastic Schools Live Lollies Event Week: Rashmi Sirdeshpande and Diane Ewen
Scholastic Schools Live Lollies Event Week: Michelle Robinson and Tom Knight

Friday 24th September

Scholastic Schools Live Lollies Event Week: 101 Bums
Scholastic Schools Live Lollies Event Week: Katie and Kevin Tsang
Scholastic Schools Live Lollies Event Week: Michael Rosen