Pie Corbett's CPD Workshops
Develop reading with exclusive virtual CPD workshops from literacy expert Pie Corbett.
Creating and Using a Reading Spine
Discover how you can develop and implement a Reading Spine, as a rich, text-based reading curriculum, to support children to become motivated and independent readers.
From Story Reading and Telling into Writing
Learn how to teach children to love writing stories through reading them! From starting children on their storytelling journey with a focus on reading and imitating in Key Stage 1, to deepening writing skills with a focus on planning, creating and editing in Key Stage 2, the session includes practical ideas and strategies that will have an immediate impact in your school or classroom.
Top Tips for Summer Reading
Pie shares his top tips on how to encourage pupils to keep reading over the summer holidays. The session covers the importance of summer reading, not only as a key tool for preventing learning loss, but also for fostering development, discovering a joy of stories, and elevating the importance of lifelong learning.